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Style Refinement

Closet Cleanse


This service is for you if…


  • Your closet is full of clothes you haven’t worn in over a year

  • Your closet is full of clothes that don’t properly fit you

  • You are overwhelmed and frustrated when you go into your closet

Look Creation w/ Lookbook


This service is for you if…


  • You are tired of wearing the same outfits 

  • You have pieces you love, but don’t know how to style them

  • You have trouble choosing an outfit when getting dressed

Shopping Trip


This service is for you if…


  • The clothes in your closet don’t light you up

  • You have trouble shopping for yourself

  • Sorting through racks puts you into overwhelm


Style Executive

Travel Styling


This service is for you if…


  • You typically overpack for “just in case” moments

  • You have trouble choosing outfits when your traveling

  • You wait until the last minute because you dread packing

Photoshoot Styling


This service is for you if…


  • You need assistance executing your creative ideas

  • You want to accurately represent your brand with your attire

  • You want to feel confident in front of the camera


Style Elite

All Inclusive Package


This service is for you if…


  • You desire a total style and image revamp that will last

  • You want tips and tricks that will help you when styling yourself in the future

  • You value the complete style process and want the stress taken off of your plate

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