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My name is Desiree' Nixon

When I was a little girl I would have told you that I wanted to be a fashion designer. I watched all the fashion shows you could think of from What Not to Wear to Project Runway and everything in between. By the time I reached age 10, I owned my very first (and only) sewing machine, and began to learn everything about what being a designer entails. Once I reached high school I discovered that fashion design wasn’t my only option if I wanted to have a career in fashion. I realized that there was a career in fashion styling that didn’t involve creating the clothes, but instead creating the outfits with the clothes! I was inspired and pleased because this is everything I wanted and more. I had always enjoyed playing in clothes or drawing looks on paper, but when it came to actually creating and sewing the piece, I didn't find joy in it like I did styling. 

When I went to college it further confirmed that fashion styling was the route for me. As soon as I stepped foot onto the campus I signed up for the first fashion organization that I saw, D.I.M.E.S Fashion Organization, and had the opportunity to participate in and lead tons of great events, photoshoots and fashion shows. By the third year of being in the D.I.M.E.S I had become the Fashion Coordinator and Vice President, leading an array of creatives from other stylists, designers and models, to photographers, graphic designers, and cosmetologists. Soon after, I graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Merchandising.

Since then, I found work in a few places, one of which was bridal styling. This was one of the very first times I got the chance to test my styling skills out in “the real world”. Bridal styling will always have a special place in my heart. Being able to help hundreds of brides feel special for one of the moments that they’ve dreamed about for most of their lives was truly an honor. Although bridal styling was amazing, I wanted more! I’m a person who loves variety, so being able to help clients from all walks of life with a variety of needs is a dream.

On August 4th 2021, I began my business as a personal stylist and image consultant launching DNN Style, LLC and have not looked back since! I absolutely love what I do and the direction that this career is taking me. I’ve learned so much already and I know that I will learn so much more along the way. I cannot see myself spending my days doing anything else! I believe that when God calls you to something, everything that happens in your life up until that moment is to prepare you for it.

Fashion Accessories
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The Luxury of Styling

Styling is a luxury service and should most definitely be viewed as a form of self care. Usually, indulging in a type of self care is to provide you some relief. For example, when you go to get your nails done at the salon, it’s not because you can paint them on your own at home, but because it’s more convenient and better executed if you let someone else do it. Letting a professional do your nails will likely save you time. If you did it yourself, you might have gotten polish on your finger or smudged it and had to start over, wasting your nail remover and your polish. When you go to the salon, sometimes you get complimentary champagne and you get to use the massage chair (in the case of getting your toes done). All of this is a luxury experience to do a simple task that technically you could have done yourself but it’s more enjoyable and the effects last longer when going to the professional. 


This is exactly the same case when it comes to personal styling services. My job as a stylist is to take a weight off of your shoulders, whether it be helping you declutter during a closet cleanse, pre-pulling looks for you for an easy breezy shopping appointment or giving you a look book for each outfit that you’ll wear during your vacation. Making life more convenient for you is the ultimate goal!


You can’t tell me that you don’t feel your best when you put on an outfit that you love! Sadly, tons of people say “I don't have time to shop” which to me sounds like “I don’t have time to feel my best”. It hurts my heart to know that so many people get stuck in the routine of life that they stop valuing the things that make them feel good. This is why I have dedicated myself to helping my clients regain their confidence and making it easier to do those things that once felt like a challenge, making them fun and something that you look forward to. Putting your best foot forward through style!


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